Cristina Lorenzet


Artist Statement

Cristina works in ceramics to make sculpture inspired by architecture and the landscape. She observes the environment to identify architectural details, fragments, materials and clues on ways of constructing.Cristina has developed her own artistic language by interpreting the changes visible in the landscape. Her work is defined by the use of discarded objects used to texture the clay and to inform her choices of colour and surface decoration.She works in a rhythmic way by adding and removing, reinforcing and demolishing a form until it is completed. Clay is her choice of material due to its malleable and versatile nature, colour and texture.Cristina grew up in Italy and now works and lives in London. She graduated from the Citylit in 2017 and since then has been continuing to explore clay and sculpture.


Ceramic sculpture fired multiple times at high temperature reaching complex textured surfaces

Contact Details

If you would like more information on where to see the artwork or for any commisions please get in touch via email or Instagram.

[email protected]